Renewing your services

Renewing your services
Support Team
Support Team

Created: 17/05/2021 7:21 PM - Updated: 17/05/2021 7:21 PM

Renewing your services -

When a service is due for renewal we will automatically generate a renewal invoice and send a notice to the email address you have registered with us. It is therefore important that you keep your email address up to date as you risk interrupting service or losing a domain if you do not renew in time. If you have a valid credit/debit card associated with your account we will automatically take payment on the day before invoice due date. This ensures that if the payment fails you will have time to update your account.

Renewal invoices are normally sent out 28 days in advance of the date the service is due to expire. We encourage our clients to make payments when they receive these invoices, and that way we can make sure there is no disruptions to services for them.

Bank Transfer Payments (Faster Payments) -

Our preferred method of payment is by Bank Transfer (also referred to as Faster Payments). You will receive an invoice with our bank payment details, and you would normally login to your own online banking system, add 123 Simples as a payee, and then make the payment using this method. To ensure the balance is allocated to your invoice please ensure that you quote the invoice number in the payment reference and that you notify Accounts that you have sent the payment.

Credit or Debit Card Payments -

To make a payment using either a Credit or Debit Card, please advise us, and we will send you a link to make your payment. Payments using this method may be subject to a 5% handling charge.

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