My website is offline

My website is offline
Support Team
Support Team

Created: 30/05/2021 10:07 AM - Updated: 08/03/2022 8:19 PM

My website is offline -

123 Simples do their utmost to ensure that websites and email accounts stay online 99.9% of the time. Our selected servers and technical teams do a great job of maintaining connectivity for our customers.

However, through no fault of our own, there may be times (infrequent we hasten to add) when websites go offline. We monitor all our services very closely to ensure that downtime is kept to an absolute minimum.

What reasons can cause a website to go offline?

Windows or Linux based servers may need routine maintainence activities performed on them that underpin the services we provide to ensure they remain secure and reliable. This routine change activity is scheduled to occur usually early hours of the morning, or overnight to cause the least amount of disruption to websites and services associated with them.

During the maintenace windows you may experience short periods of intermittent access to specific aspects of your service whilst we complete the activity. This might include being able to view your website online, access email accounts specifically send and/or receive from such. Most maintenance services have very little impact on our systems, as we tend to switch to redundancy backup servers to ensure there is little, if any downtime experienced by customers.

Whilst we endevour to only conduct maintenance during these off-peak times of use, it may be necessary on occasions to conduct either planned or emergency maintenance at other times. We always attempt to give at least 24 hours notice in such cases, although this may not always be possible.

In the event that you experience an issue accessing any of your services during these windows please retry after 15 minutes. Should you still experience an issue please log a support ticket and we will investigate your specific issue.

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